Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

oki i go :sob:

mean :sob:


god its easy to get rid of him

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sorry lilith just thought of this then i go bed oki? :blush:

@Marshal @Hippopablompoyeetus

(The Boys speculations for ending of season 4 in spoiler)


so basically ppl think that s4 will end in the shapeshifter assassinating the president under the disguise of starlight. s4 has been blatantly political. i am very fascinated at how that will play out due to irl events. i mean the audience’s reaction to it. would they pre-emptively even cancel the show? to avoid drama? idk maybe not. but a few celebrities got cancelled due to making prior jokes about trump getting assassinated, before it actually happened. so im grabbing my popcorn for this one :popcorncat:

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theyre not gonna cancel it lol. The worst case scenario is that the Right-wing people a vast majority of their fanbase don’t like, get really mad, and more people talk about it.

which is an absolutely awesome scenario for Amazon selling more Prime Video subscriptions. If there is an outcry, more people will watch the show just to spite the people who are crying out.


maybe yeah

also more (spoilers)


fun facts: the actor who plays black noir is the same guy who played both black noirs, and the actor himself both has a peanut allergy irl like the first one, and is narcoleptic like the second noir

s4 spoil

I was unsure if I was gonna finish the show but now it’s kinda getting back to the point where I just wanna see starlight kill the president I think it’d be SO funny. Either way I don’t feel bad for supporting amazon because I am pirating the entire thing even though my parents have Prime Video


former mayor of new york mike bloomberg?


he was a meme in my freshman year friend group. We would text random people pretending to be Mike Bloomberg campaign team members begging them to vote for him


i love big gay ice cream

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Bloomberg, iirc.

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american presidents should do advertising work to pay for their advertisements

  1. its omlette time so im get pan its makes big oil for pay good than needs brake tie for learn and make eggs brain omlette for good taste its get great mind body im make than its big crash im see whats happen but may be im not its big explosion im scare so its go home than can see its lock for door im badfeel so thinks alil bit for good idea its all way for get out for scumbrain needs time for go away but badfeels its scare for not make goodthink im gett sauce pan for hide needs see its maker shue for safefeel than its badtime im go for tire look for car its find no time for think its go im take sauce pan no pastasauce im sad but nerds go than im on hi way its flycar for gotime needs awhile may be than see its big cross im goodfeel not pay good for think but im ssee its right so its get car for steel than drvie fast its on hi way im go low than see its big car w blue red lite im scare its honk for earpain so im go fast its big chays for fun im goodfeel may be its wind im smell fell than its stop im not why no needs thinktime but im get lime for make soda no its drink pastasauce for live more than im go its seer big car go fast for past all in its get chip im for fish needs bet so im give than no take its dad for seeds than big gro for goodfeel so its hospitoltime for rest im feel big scare so witeman come in its for see feel im love needs more smell than bigscum ik so its get done for take pick im ferl right makes time right may be needs drink its get soda more for frrlgood its big art im like so now its drive fast for go im see lesgo may be low way for live train get scumwag so its goodstroy for needs tell may be its come back for cooktime so im get omlette its ok for feeltime needs taste may be gets somr salt pep for seeson its right than takes off for pan makes goodsee im like
  1. lesbe fren


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were you pre or post marnie

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I’m not sure how it feels to rejoin FoL and find out May showed up? I’m not sure how that feels. I kind of assume everybody either understands me as a permanent fixture of this place or watched me join and become this. Is it strange

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you either die a hero or live long enough to become a may