Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

is it because you can’t lift a spear

Atlas specifically said I don’t have to take that into account!!!

I’m not a particularly practical person

swords have an inherent style bonus but i think i prefer being able to kill the other person in most scenarios


regardless of weapon i don’t think i would ever feel safe unless i carried at least one knife though

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I used to fence and I’m the type of person to go for style points over being practical and I like when things are easy to move with

may now that ur here can i ask what a tumblr post means


what the hell does this mean


Well, picture yourself in the situation

There’s an eclipse and it’s pretty cool

But a guy in umpire getup burns your white ass to a crisp

Would that feel cool?

i… guess not.

…it’s also a Blaseball reference

not quite correct
its the best form of melee for somebody without any form of combat experience

okay thanks

okay have you ever played OFF

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no but i know its that one baseball dude

while i am failing to account for whatever shenanigans a fantasy setting may entail it is a well studied fact that stabbing people is better than slashing people and stabbing people from a distance is better than stabbing people in counter-stabbing range