Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

still worth a watch. it’s very well put-together

I liked season 3 more than 2 tho i felt it had more of a clear story


My first exposure to the show was seeing a fair amount of S3 through my roommate watching it, and S1/S2 were still really really good

Do yourself a favor tbh

yeah bc both are building off of plot points from the previous season… only one of which you watched lol

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s1 goes hard just on its own

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the boys made me honk mi mi mi so i watched the Garfield show instead


I get that take but I guess I just don’t think that makes something better to me personally

Oh yeah i do remember being confused a bit in season 2 with some of their plans that referenced earlier stuff haha

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my man what were you even thinking :sob: its an incredibly plot driven show I can’t imagine tryna watch that shit with no context

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…some of these things absolutely slaughter the person im putting them as
let it be known im going for the most positive meaning! unless there isn’t! in which case um!

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i forgot i hadnt watched it tbh, from beginning of ep recaps and u tube scene suggestions i feel like i know season 1 plot

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Saves: Int Wis
WProfs: All except two-handed martial weapons
AProfs: up through Medium Armor (maybe also shields…idk)

Half Caster Casting Progression

Level 1: Arcane Armaments, Spellcasting
Level 2: Spellstrike, Bladecast
Level 3: Magical Arts, Regeneration
Level 4: ASI
Level 5: (you now have level 2 spells), Extra Attack, Rune of Power (2)
Level 6: Magical Arts feature
Level 7: Glyph of Free Movement
Level 8: ASI
Level 9: (you now have level 3 spells)
Level 10: Magical Arts feature
Level 11: Arcane Barrage, Rune of Power (4)
Level 12: ASI
Level 13: (you now have level 4 spells)
Level 14: Magical Arts feature
Level 15: Mana Wave, Rune of Power (6)
Level 16: ASI
Level 17: (you now have level 5 spells)
Level 18: Simulacrum
Level 19: ASI
Level 20: Weave Tear

Arcane Armaments

Level 1
As a bonus action, touch a weapon, granting it a magical sharpness and acclimating it to your arcane technique. This enhancement makes the weapon count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage and allows you to use your Intelligence Modifier for the weapon’s attack and damage rolls.

You may enhance a number of weapons equal to half your Intelligence modifier (rounded up). If you enhance a weapon while at your maximum, the oldest enhancement fades.


Level 1
This is a prepared caster that knows its entire spell list
it’s basically just paladin in terms of spells


Level 2
When you make a weapon attack with an Arcane Armament or unarmed strike as part of your attack action, you may cast a cantrip or leveled spell that takes 1 action to cast and requires a spell attack roll. This casting will be done as part of your attack, using the same result. If you cast a cantrip, subtract one damage die if you are level 5 or higher.

You may also use Spellstrike when making weapon attacks as a Bonus Action or Reaction, but you may not cast a leveled spell when doing so.

After you use Spellstrike, you gain Arcane Fatigue which prevents you from using Spellstrike until it fades. Arcane Fatigue fades at the start of your turn, when you forego an attack as part of your attack action to end it, cast a spell using your bonus action, or expend a Rune of Power.


Level 2
You can cast with your hands full

Magical Arts

Level 3


Level 3
Short rest, based spell slot regeneration
Grants some number of free casts of spells as long as it was not used as part of Spellstrike

Rune of Power

Level 5
Limited resource with two uses:

  • Remove Arcane Fatigue as a free action and reduces the ‘spell slot cost’ of the next spell cast
  • Gain +INT to a saving throw roll

Glyph of Free Movement

Level 7
Your speed increases by 10. When you use Spellstrike, you can replace any movement the spell may have had with the movement of another spell of the same level that you have prepared.

Arcane Barrage

Level 11
As a bonus action, grant yourself arcane infusion. For this turn, Spellstrikes do not give you Arcane Fatigue and you may make an additional attack as part of your attack action.

You may use this feature once before requiring a short rest to use it again.

Mana Wave

Level 15
When you roll initiative, give yourself and all allies within 30 feet of you a burst of mana. During the first round of combat, all spells you or your allies cast are cast as if they were 1 level higher for the purposes of determining the spell’s effects.


Level 18
1 Minute action. Creates a Simulacrum of yourself with half your hit points. The Simulacrum will follow your every command when not in combat. During combat, it acts after you and copies every action and bonus action you make, but you can direct its movement and targets.

Once per long rest. You may only have one max.

Weave Tear

Level 20
action full spell and Rune of Power refresh once per long rest idk

needs work but I like this decently enough



maiden of pain hours

things I’m not satisfied with

I moved simulacrum from 15 to 18 after thinking about it for more than 3 seconds

barrage is kinda not a good idea
simulacrum is extremely based though which makes me more happy

I have no idea how to tune the recovery / cost reduction effects

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this is just really cool objectively

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Also hilariously overpowered but who cares

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there’s enough power budget for subclasses to get a Not Crazy damage feature similar to ranger subs
subclasses should give some free castings of spells (probably not spellstrike spells)

one subclass definitely should let you do a full spellstrike with a two-weapon attack

but overall these guys should be not super powerful

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I am satisfied
This class was also comparatively boring

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oh no
it’s complicated

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