Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

you posted what i was too scared to god bless

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In the Karen Dimension somebody convinced literally the entire PTA that WAP stood for Worship and Prayer and if you tried to tell them otherwise they’d call you a Satanist

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im pretty sure i heard of another “karen dimension” from a 12 year old

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i love satan

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may will you do pagan ceremonies with me

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I will do pagan ceremonies with you


I’m assuming this doesn’t include the Walk up steep ass hill at 3 in the morning right

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I could try!


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unironically means alot to me though

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i was Wrong

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on a scale of 1-10 what does this mean

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predicatble answer

prolly gonna have to delay a bit, sorry
emotion is weird


i fell asleep coz i ate too much my tummy got full :sob: i watch it now :blush:

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hug :heart:

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im making fun of you on discord btw

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atlas, remember the tier list yoy made

tier list of your opinions on how good cookies they would bake


later, kitty
although i can do that on my phone more then the other one