Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


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bro hit u with the LET ME DEFEND

hit you with the pass!!

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i think they fislike me

we are so good at this game

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i think the funny part is she isn’t a good goalie either

ive found the “sorry” button
its time to embrace my destiny

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anyways. go next?

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big rasmus

oshit hep berf

mfw juno leaves after 2 goals

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why didnt we do that round 1!!

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i didnt see the button

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didn’t show up for like 10 years

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anyways. i hope we get less leavers

the normal queue kinda sucks but that might be because i am in a Good comp spot

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Dream of being on the bus and singing badly. Among other things

i am so good at goaling

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