Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Mr Breast


while litsening ro radionraad…

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This does not work against Juliette because she insta kills you

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he got too focused on trying to kill me because he saw me die repeatedly and didnt bother trying to score goals


Lmao that idiot

so we won

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then there was another x who wasnt bad but never. knocked anyone out ever

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Sometimes I do get focused on killing an already staggered enemy with Rasmus hook but apparently my aim is shit so they avoid it

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too far

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I had a dream where I was in my old room I used to share with my sister and I fully expected to wake up there

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deam teleportation …

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This does not apply when I attempt to hook the core but dragging an enemy away from the core is also useful
The only time it’s completely useless is if there’s an enemy standing on top of me and I try to hook and it immediately hits them and does nothing

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I dropped omega strikers coz i didnt like how spammy the abilities are. Was playing the default dark skinned striker girl. I just felt like i had to mash my keys and i didnt see whats going in. Id rather if the abilities had wayyy longer cooldowns except for the basic kick

It also seems optimal to play on a controller. If u move with the mouse u get a large delay if ur moving left to catch the ball but then u wanna move ur cursor right to strike right. And if ur moving on keyboard u only move in 8 directions. Thats all fine for casual play but i cant help being competitive

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its pretty easy to hit any of atlas’/ai.mi’s moves on enemies
but i dont think ive purposefully k.o’d anyone yet

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Oh yeah don’t play Juliette as a newbie all of her play patterns are annoying to learn ime
Play Kai instead


most abilities have a 10-20 second cooldown
juliette is the exception, not the rule


Oh having a mouse is 100% optimal

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Damn i didnt know that