Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

im trying to give it on gerrymandering, voting rights and proportional voting and I am discovering i don’t actually know that much about it
like obviously gerrymandering is bad but how do you tell which states are gerrymandered? obviously the ones with Republican supermajorites and Democratic governors and the other way around, but that can’t encompass all gerrymandering
that’s also only like 5 states atm
and also like
how does proportional voting work in europe? how can we implement it in America? how can we eliminate gerrymandering (which is probably practically impossible because every politician benefits from it, but in theory)

all of these things i dont really. know

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the teacher is also like
“give it on something that you are both passionate about and that your audience cares about”
bitch that last clause disqualifies all of my passions :sob:

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I know a good amount about this

Source: European

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yeah fair

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i could ask kyo
they’re a law student in scotland

but the teacher wants Professional sources :joy_cat:

originally i was gonna give it on gun control but literally like five people are doing guns just in my period

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i also would’ve ran into the same problem

giving the speech will be really fuckin easy btw its just the topic and the writing thats hard

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This is almost impossible, same level of difficulty to remove the electoral college or to like amend the constitution

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oh no I agree but in theory

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oh like articles not random ppl on the internet


which makes sense

I had like 1 “speech” that was like that, and I did it about the tax code

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it just becomes hard
most of my sources so far are videos from VOX

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There are SO MANY bs loopholes

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The entire thing can be so much simpler

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its probably that way intentionally
i heard somewhere
not sure if this is true
but i heard that Donald Trump, before he became president, paid like 170$ in taxes every year despite being super rich

Also had a side rant in the speech about how the prices u see at a grocery store should be the price u pay, no hidden fees.

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