Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

it says gullible in the thread title

are you in a fucking dungeon what is that surface

have you never seen a marble countertop

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I am re-reading Anni 2021 and found this post

So true
We’re all awful, especially @katze

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Not a black one

don’t diss my kitchen what the hell my kitchen top is awesome

how have you never seen one that looks like this it isn’t uncommon lol

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and definitely not in that lighting. looks evil

my parents are less sociable than me

the closest is probably my grandma’s but she genuinely lives in a dungeon and ive not been there in at least 5 years

last time i was there my grandma had a parrot that only bit men because it didnt like men and it didnt bite me so that was affirming


I live in the north so honestly I’m not too far off living in a dungeon

does it bite boys

my grandma instead of paying for someone else replaced the floors and stairs herself when i say a dungeon i mean completely seriously its a dungeon. the stone floor genuinely looks ancient


i guessed this from times you spoke about the weather and yorkshire tea but i didn’t want to bring it up in case i was doxxing you lol


I could doxx my address and I wouldn’t care enough

fol players don’t scare me, I doubt half of them can tie their own shoes


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@mollylikesorigami you are worthless and pathetic. there is not a modicum of intelligence in anything you say

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Where’s your tone indicator?

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Saying it in a flat tone makes it way funnier. Adding stuff like /s or /j ruins all the fun

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