Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


Is 2 your second favorite?

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22? 222? 2222?

2 is a fine number it’s just close to 3 and doesn’t cut it; it’s bad because of that, but at least it’s not as bad as it’s cousin four

six married two and I’m slightly concerned about it’s future because of it but it seems happy enough and seven and five are both cool

i haven’t seen eight in a while and of course nine is as great as 3

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They’re all good, well rounded individuals. Just don’t look up to 7. That one is the clear delinquent in the 1s family.

I have to disagree with you, four is a hardened criminal probably being possessed by a demon

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2 and 3 are married and their kid is 6?

divorced, actually

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don’t look up the family tree

5 and 7 are weird aunts and uncles

Family friends not actually related

2 married it’s own kid

6 is the problem child because that’s when groups start becoming nonabelian. and it only gets worse from there


we all adore them despite their problems

4 is a cousin definitely

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How dare you take the “number of death” literally. 4 is only trying to move on from past lives. Shame shame.

What the fuck

four has done a lot of deranged stuff I don’t think there’s any way to save them now