Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

can we rand wolf together :flushed:
we can manage half the fakeclaims each

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Also I got FORCE REPLACED from my NINTENDO LOOP GAME because somebody did an INTEGRITY BREACH with DISCORD MECHANICS and I was the only one who knew about Discord enough to catch that THREE PEOPLE SPEWED HTEMSELVES TOWN OFF IT


:flushed: Yes

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is there ever a Nintendo loop story where you’re not getting bullied

Literally I could’ve shut my damn mouth and played the game but nooo I had to do the correctboy thing and immediately go to the host about it. And get force replaced.


I catch wolves there

even quizbowlcord isn’t hosting games… dead circuit…

Then people would complain you cheated by not coming clean and playing with an unfair advantage.

“there is no difference between what is right and whats necessary” - a bunch of nerds


Well it was a public integrity breach, nobody knew for sure I saw it, nobody even mentioned it to the host before I did (quite a bit after it occurred), I could have just pretended I never saw it

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i made the mistake of arguing the blue pill vs red pill 50% thing with nerds today. would you believe i was far and away the biggest advocate for blue pill

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do children drown in either pill


the form of death involved is abstract. it may very well be drowninf

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People don’t expect integrity breaches, just like one doesn’t expect their opponent to blunder in a chess game.

in the one where i get to work ontime? yah


Litten did nothing that game; he planned to say nothing to any living players then gave that up when the singular dead player didn’t whisper him.
It was all Kiiruma and I.

The precise breach, so your minds might be corrupted:

When you # followed by the name of a Discord channel category, Discord goes “oh, you’re trying to link a channel! Let me make that into a link”. The categories are stored as channel names IG. If you don’t have permission to access a linked channel, then it appears as “No Access”

Unfortunately you’re actually linking a category which you, shouldn’t, be able to link. So after the No Access check, if you link something and it turned out to be a category, it displays as plaintext.

For example, if you type #mafia, and there’s a channel category called #mafia, it will appear as “No Access” to members of the town and just regular old plain “#mafia” text to members of the mafia.

Wolves unfamiliar with this specific mechanic (basically everybody) WILL NOT KNOW they need to pretend they see “No Access”. They just see plain text! They have no idea anything is going on! This means that everybody who reacts to an accidental #mafia reference is basically confirmed town. I got three people off it.


This happened in a previous game that I hosted, with people literally posting SCREENSHOTS of this “Discord bug” proving htemselves town AND PROVING THEMSELVES MAFIA, and apparently NOBODY REMEMBERED IT. I call bullshit, I bet people saw it but didn’t want to bring it up, because what the host doesn’t know can’t hurt them :)


It was very fun to be in that game.


Discord bug?