Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

They put me in Lobotomy Corporation???


Holy shit fam got up to 77 players. I hope it gets to 80. 80 is a more satisfying number

almost 80 players and i’m still gonna get ita’ed on day 2


F in chat for the poor sods who will die D1 due to event prizes

i regret posting this. this might not age well

Carbonated puzzle

Poetic Justice

Something about these lines is not stoic.
Help us make these verses more heroic!

A forceful statement of something that is true
A guess about events you’ll later view
A place an actor might be told to go
Amendment or law when still unapproved
Anoint skin in these oil transmission routes
Condition of longing; wanting life improved
Dropping too much food into stomach’s pit
Interventions between two warring tribes
Like a bird that is naked and can not fly
Products for those who are sick (doctor prescribes)
Servers who supervise their other givers
Some non-wealth forfeitures. Could be anti-suits
The tops or sources of streams or rivers
The water in club soda when it’s sold
They live in one shelter; commonly horses
Ties when next turn has no movement courses
To be scared of a nasty crowd at a show
To not have a parent who is a guy
Used fourteen decays as leads to find how old
Way too much dust within MacBook causes it


@May saw this and though of your “me in a mafia game” tag


this wasn’t in one of the hunts we did together right? I don’t remember this one

MIT mystery hunt

We got all the words but never got the extraction

Ah yeah that one okay. That one was ROUGH. I wanna do more hunts. I wanna do more puzzles to be more useful/better at future hunts.


The extraction I totally should’ve gotten, I noticed all hte bits leading up to it but missed the connection

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every time i do a hunt im really excited for the first day and then afterwards i just kind of stop

occasionally i’ll show up to solo a puzzle later if i can lock in on it


Hunts are fun right up until I get the first puzzle and can’t solve it.

@may remembered this video existed and thought of u


Aye, aye, Captain.

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cant we already start fam i dont wanna wait 4 days :sob:

like, just rand the game and start it right now



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mashups like this have no right to kinda go hard, and yet

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