Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

i feel like may is good at communicating how weird they are


I’m normal.

But then they might just think it’s a relationship thing rather than a cat thing.


All cats are cats

torment your friends!


I mean, you play Mahjong and Mafia with the express intent to lose and get better.

NSFW (also mentions suicide)


That’s normal


yeh scared vengeful samurai. it was a meme.

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selective venous sampling


Losing this way somehow felt even worse than you had thought possible. Your preparation was superior, your play was superior, and you lost, so you don’t see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within your control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not.

yes obviously buy cat ears. i assumed this was obvious.

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People play fucking roulette

F***. I have found the carcass, so I can make a rough sketch, but the mech is overbearing.

*reads further*
Are you kidding me!? There was a food mechanic as well!? Bloody hell, no wonder it got cancelled. Rather than a game, this is just a nightmare for the hosts!

Okay, so I can’t have food in the new iteration, but let me ask myself this: Why was food mechanic even a thing?

If there already was a restriction on location… Actually, what happens to the excess? I guess I can rewrite the logic of the new iteration such that danger befalls upon the excess.

Two, one, one… How the heck did this work again…? Argh, combined with the freedom of choice, this thing really doesn’t fit the concept of mafia at all! I get that it was a theme, but I don’t want to give my players the option to not cooperate, so I’ll take that freedom away from them.

With no freedom, does this mean the world was doomed to begin with? No… there has to be an objective. An incentive as to why people do the things they do. Survival should not matter. Deduction and deception are the only things that should matter.

One, one, one. Three stages instead of two. However, wouldn’t this make that role category useless? Hm… Perhaps it can be divided into a creation type and a dark voodoo type?

This game supposedly had a ton of events, but I don’t remember any of these, so I’ll have to make new ones, lest I contact the original host. Considering the s***-ton of stuff I want to overhaul, I might as well design the events.

Twelve… Huh? Twenty-three, so a mash of 18v5? Mafia wins if two-thirds of Town dies? That’s brutal… Then again, that’s what the events are for, huh? Speaking of events, I won’t be able to handle the flavor text, so I’ll need a co-host for that.

To stick together or to be a lone wolf. The odds of finding items, the risks of environmental hazards, and the freedom of sharing… I hate items, but I guess I need to rely on them for this game. However, my hatred of items means that I can’t make complex items; they have to be simple. Urgh, the thought of having a spreadsheet of items… Barf.

How was it possible to have equal strength? The answer is, it shouldn’t. At least, not in the new iteration. Considering the scale of the world is bigger than themselves, the scale of the players should be small. Maybe the original designer could maintain balance, but not me. I need to keep things “simple”.

–okay, after one second of thinking, I have come to the conclusion that “simple is impossible”, because I want to integrate system into this forsaken world. Except that is SUCH a bad idea! It’s easier to just have a cheat that brings their creation unto ours, rather than designing everything ourselves!

Limit of one transport… Strategy is of essence. Probably nothing I should be worried about though. Public thread is main thread… This game is really bordering a Misc at this point. What’s the point of a FM game where not everyone can participate? …sigh. However, such is ultimately the core of this game. I wonder if I can fix -or at the very least alleviate- this issue?

Search, attack, use, or “other”. What the– What the heck!? We had that much freedom in the past!? Urgh… No wonder it was cancelled… I can’t let my players have this much freedom, so “other” is not an option in the new iteration.

I wonder why claiming was dangerous. It’s not as if the Mafia can do anything against them… right? Then, perhaps it was the hosts that did the heavy lifting for the Mafia?

Two per cycle… Then, when will the Mafia attack? Okay, the new iteration cannot be “real”. Fortunately, the plan was to integrate system into the new iteration, so everything can make sense if the world itself is virtual. Heh, this will probably also make things easier for me when the cheat codes start popping up.

Zone I wanna learn how to make a setup in a day rather than months you have no idea how much I envy you


How do you make setups

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I never feel like anything I make is worth everybody’s time. I’m okay at proceeding and making mafia setups until I think about the fact that people will spend weeks in this thing and then I wither away like a violet


remember to throw in wolfsided mech. if town can’t deal with it they have a skill issue


For the thrill of it, rather than any expectations.

I’m gonna do a stupid design exercise where I make a setup tonight and it’s just tonight and then I’m done with it

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