Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

story time

right meow

the repeated AM revival was unpleasant for like everyone involved. funny the first time. less funny the second. exhausting beyond that.

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the animal midwife mushroom image pops up in my head now and then

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it’s not that long a story

am revives a million times → i joke about a pokemon creepypasta where that happens in dvc → i actually read the creepypasta → years later someone asks me if i know what that creepypasta is because someone is talking about it in a server they’re in → i say yes and make a joke about it → they mention that in the server → i get invited to that server


The what

decay exists as an extant form of life

kat join the freaking game and stop waiting so you can likefarm


wow u caught me i am delaying joining fam4 because i want more likes when eliza and tutuu will like every post i ever make ever anyway


Three each. Thirteen players. Thirty-nine of fifty-two cards. Thirteen to spare. Two jokers.

Exhaust and burn. With three, cooldown is two. Zero cooldown is achieveable.

Thirteen spare. Add one neutral. Win condition undecided. Assumption: Card-related.

I genuinely don’t give a shit and am not going to guilt you but I am curious
Are you busy or

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…it’s an even number!

Is this the time to mention that any number ending in 2, 4, 6, 8 and 0 isn’t a prime number?

to be fair, this person isn’t saying that 1705542 is prime. they’re saying that if the riemann hypothesis is true, it would imply 1705542 is prime, which is enough to show that the riemann hypothesis must be false (which would be a huge mathematical breakthrough). i’m quite interested to see if they’re caught on to something (probably not)


its claiming this

it’s claiming they can use the flaw they found in the riemann hypothesis to prove that 1705542 is prime, which would be a damning blow to the riemann hypothesis. proof by contradiction, people!


you should probably sleep

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iirc the Riemann hypothesis has been tested far past this

HOLY S***, this opening post is so barren and obscure! How the f*** did he get away with this!?
It’s all so non-concrete! How was this a Forum Mafia and not a Misc.!?

This hurts. Holy f***, this hurts to overhaul.

My sole consolation is that I somehow managed to gather the concepts for the players’ special abilities, but otherwise: PAIN!

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