Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I dreamt that i was at my grandma’s, with her, my mom, cousin and aunt. Also with @notblackorwhite interestingly who was also my family member. I was falling asleep and at one point nbowie put a blanket on me so I dont get cold and I was very appreciative but I pretended I’m still sleeping to try to squeeze out more affection out of her.

Then my cousins’s friends, all guys, arrived who were loud and obnoxious and I disliked them from the start. They kept bumping into me on purpose, saying disrespectful things, provoking me etc. I slowly got angrier and angrier to the point I couldn’t hold it in and I confronted them, threatening to fight. The dream was semi-lucid at this point I felt like I had a large degree of control unlike most dreams. The first few I confronted backed off and left the room, but the next others eecalated by hitting me and it got into a fight. First it was one guy, I beat the shit out of him (at this point it becomes like John Wick), I bashed his face against the wall and table leaving blood, etc. I told him to fuck off and leave. Then he pulled a shotgun and tried to shoot me. I got it out of his hands and shot him.

Then all of them got alerted and started entering the room with weapons. It was me and my grandma who interestingly pulled a shotgun of her own. So we were defending our position like from a horde of zombies, shooting at them. I told my grandma “Reload!” like from the Terminator handing her my shotgun. As they got closer we ran out of ammo I started taking knives from the kitchen (we were in the kitchen area, small part of the living room) and throwing them at them. Everything was in slow motion. They approached slowly, and my knife throws were very weak and slow.
Interestingly I still got some of them killed. I had prepared the longest knife for last, for when they’re in melee range. There wasn’t a conclusion to the dream, right as I got into melee range and was prepared to stab them I woke up



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I dont understand :sob:

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You’ve SEEN the candle with bite marks



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rent free


You mean the thing your mind invented?

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this dream says a lot about society


@mollylikesorigami @mollylikesorigami @mollylikesorigami



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estrogen and meth for that lilith swag


“i can’t hear anything you’re saying”
“oh don’t worry, we’re just grossly insulting you”
“ah. thank you”

i meant this sarcastically and didn’t realize the implications of this statement


i feel like girls wearing caps is slept on

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what if the cap is a mets hat


@tutuu how come i never appear in your dreams

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it doesn’t matter i don’t read it as long as it looks cool

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you were never threatening to me. i think people who threaten me appear in my dreams

but i swear lilith was in one of your dreams

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im threatening :smiling_imp:

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Then why do you keep dreaming about me

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