Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Let’s go over mech…

Check, check, forgor, check, forgor & “it’s probably fine”, check (though prots have indeed become useless and we dropped the entire matter in the end –unless we want to bring it back, but considering heals exist, prots seem excessive, and I want players to die ASAP), to-do (probs need to ask May), check and check, still need to work on expanding those, too much brainstorming –we went with something else in the end, check and check (turns out OG setup was not broken in these matters), check, check (still need to apply inheritance though), still need to work on that –we can probably flavor it as drone strike.

Good news: Deck of Cards FM was made successfully.
Bad news: It did not use any roles from May’s list.

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it’s actually quite simple

the biggest problem hosts face is that they are afraid to have a shitty looking first draft
we love shitty looking first drafts


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Ah ****. I used a different term, except this one sounds better. …ah, well. I am too lazy to change wordings.

you made the mistake of assuming paradox game players are reasonable

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I entirely disagree
significant kp disparities are the one difference smaller setups have versus larger games that actually works

It somehow amazes me to see how this -and the thought residues of Stratagem-34 and The Cyberiad: Third Sally- was the source of the latest setup. Man, I must’ve been struck by a lightning of inspiration or something, because I’m now worn out. (Probably for the best though.)

I agree. I’m saying it shouldn’t be done carelessly essentially. A new designer should likely play it safe by keeping KP potential roughly equal.

ok fair I was thinking of the number of games that I think are good and open that have like significant kp advantage on town

*sees the talk about few-PR medium-size setups*
*shivers in fear*

NGL, Vanilla setup designers are amazing as well for making competitive non-mountainous setups.

the reality of good design is that it’s either matching your expected playerbase’s tastes or understanding them well enough that you can appeal to something they don’t realize they like yet

you can observe this with different sites having radically different perspectives on what a fun time is

you can make a critically amazing game but if the experience isn’t good then lmao


this is you and mayfia



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…well, no. I technically still have two setups in limbo because they are **** (“Time Travel” and “Evolution”), and I also have two setups planned to forever rot in my backlog because of how unsure I am to run them (“CAMPFIRESONG” and “Ever Changing Seasons (Revised)”).

…yeah, no. I don’t even wanna look at 'em. Let them be forgotten in the river of time.

Cookie thread will be locked while FAM4 is ongoing
Sorry y’all

but im not even in FAM4

wait if I post like 80 more times I get a cookie