Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One






















































I gave my family the β€œconnecting connections” puzzle from that one puzzle hunt once when our heat went out and we needed entertainment

(for arete’s way-too-many-titles one)






























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I dont see yours

it’s somewhere upthread i’m too lazy to find it

you can iso me







nvm isos are broken no you can’t

Hit 478 posts in topic


I was like β€œOkay which one of these [Censored]ers is the 4th pokemon one” and I was not expecting it to be May!

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you can still iso from someone’s Post

The thing about being tired is that the songs become too real

just not from recent posters

Having a song stuck in my head slowly gets indistinguishable from actually hearing it

you can but it starts at the top and you have to manually scroll all the way down

if you click the person icon it starts from the bottom

clicking the person icon still works

anyway this is what i got on mine. how come may hasn’t solved it yet




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