Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

id rather have them give express permission to other players to let them do so but same idea

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I know that it does and I could just play with random
But like



ok fair

hunter: the vigil…

Yeah I think it’s better for other PCs to pilot.

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i was alive for the hot take event i just never bothered to submit one (probably a blunder since i won the hot take event last FAM but whatever)


allegedly hunter the vigil is extremely non-combat focused so it seems like a good one to run async

shoutout to the host team for changing the wording on the arrow to remove the word “tree” for reasons i don’t entirely understand


…for an example of how i tried to utilize these cause now i feel like talking about it

in tommygun there was a bar room
rather then there just being a place for people to drink or receive quests

you could drink alcohol (and restore health), play games against the guy who holding one of this area’s macguffin, get into a scripted barfight, or roleplay

in the same room, to limit travel time

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Most World of Darkness games aren’t really combat focused iirc

Werewolf has some but even then I’m pretty sure it’s less than DnD/Pathfinder

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it did let me tinfoil more about treetheist…


i see

(disclaimer, I have never played a World of Darkness game)

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the main reason why i did it myself was because players didnt have a dedicated time where they sat down and explained to everybody else what exactly they could do

…they couldve, but it was largely optional and throwing out a bag of tricks tends to be more fun then strict coordination

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(I have read through a few handbooks though)

me neither lmao


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fair enough

I wanna try out like Vampire or Werewolf

But lmao

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i have zero campaigns of anything going which is SAD