Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


Did you get your 50 primogems

wait im also 6’3" omg

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Forgot to screenshot, but I got Firefly E0 at 87 friggin’ pity. And with the guaranteed 50/50 win.

I blame the guy I was pulling with.

mfing fortress of giants over here


Next champs season we need to make sure the setup is basketball so we can guarantee the victory



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bionic after we push him on the floor



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in other news can my mom stop talking about how i need to “look good for other people” or whatever
like. yes, we get it, you think i look bad. shut up i get it.


No, lmao


yeah that’s a classic parent way of traumatizing their kid lol. i remember arguing with my dad for so long when i was a teenager about him wanting me to “look nice” by wearing oversized hawaiian shirts he already purchased for me.

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the fun thing about my parents is that they’re just like. i can’t point to anything in particular to prove this but they’re just pretty bad at it
ive said this before i think but i think they would be way better parents if they weren’t mormon :skull:

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this is phrased fucking horribly

as in, most of the bad parent things are probably caused by their religious beliefs
… not to say all of them mind you

once again i cannot point to any specific incident because my memory is shit but