smh women hate in 2024? didn’t know this was that kind of forum
never coming back
smh women hate in 2024? didn’t know this was that kind of forum
never coming back
hi relm!!
yo o/
not being pro woman being anti fol
feeling the urge to walk directly off the trail to climb a huge as fuck tree
Don’t end up like Woo.
[A direct merge proved to be too tedious of a process, and bears risk of players meta-gaming the setup. Hence, non-deterministic approach was taken. Of the four possible roles, two were chosen as base, of which we will build up our new roles.]
I am tired… What’s worse is: I can’t directly copy-paste roles from The Third since they are still not seen by anyone other than myself. In other words, I can only “take inspiration” from those roles, and somehow make new roles that wouldn’t sabotage my future self…
folers have a tendency to become women
folers also have a tendency to hate themselves
Women are nice. I feel safer around them. About 90% of the people ive been friends with are whemen or somewhere on the feminine scale. They handle my vibes better. Stressful experiences with guy friends. Hazing to “toughen you up”; awkwardness about being told “i love you”. Female camaraderie is about lifting you up as much as possible. No awkwardness about displaying affection. Male camaraderie is about “challenging” you (if charitable) but really its putting you down (less charitable). Male-to-male friendships are extremely hierarchical and that was very frustrating. I think guys would be so so so much happier and more social if they treated each other the way women do, and if that thing was seen as common / the norm
Yeah. I just became a woman.
Put me in there I’m a cat
Hi Zug hi hi hi hi hi
I was at a party literally all day I’m soooo tired
Why do people manufacture drinks like Hard Iced Tea. What is this product for. It’s worse than the sum of its parts. It tastes like the bad concotion (that one blood orange soda with espresso I had once). I still drank it but
nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hi
Bad drinks world was sort of fun
That’s not a fair name for it. There were good drinks, and such. Mixed drink experiences world