Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


Here’s how May can still win

many people are saying that may can still win

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99% of mays quit before getting a miracle hand and instantly winning the game


are you house of leavesing my quizbowl


i remember collaborating on a packet for a shitpost tournament where one of my teammates wrote a bonus on house of leaves. and in a shockingly house of leaves-esque moment i made him incorporate jorge luis borges, who i also included in like 4 other questions


so you see mom, sugar isn’t bad for me, and to make sure i continue breathing i should get to eat the entire box of cookies-

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I have no moral high ground since I didn’t sleep yesterday

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I have the cat tree I can climb up though and act pretentious on

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i am inspired to try playing go again
i will be back in 2 minutes after i get my ass handed to me by the lowest level ai


nyaaaaaaaa I am tired from the May chat

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i didn’t know anyone in the may chat slept


yeah that’s why I’m tired

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well why don’t you leave the may chat then

let me tell you about how sleepy ive come to be

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yoo welcome back!

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i managed to find an engine that’s more my speed (slightly more skilled than a random number generator)