Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

@benguinedparbecue Left the house at 9:15 and got to the airport and through security with an hour to spare. Unfounded worry

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Pure skill (at airport speedrunning)


May currently typing while running away from the security guards chasing her for running through the gate without being checked.


I’m not dangerous.

Why do I need to be checked. I’m not dangerous.

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I am definitely going to catch up on Dream of the Red Chamber for sure

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If I can’t do 20-in-one… then I can just spread it out, no? 2-in-ten with 30 minutes intervals results in a continuous intoxication for 9.5 hours straight, of which the detoxification would take around 6 hours.

15.5 hours. All I need to know is when they’re asleep and not shoot at those times. Except I already know that the dire hours are around my evenings, so… I just have to do it around 2024-06-28T17:00:00Z, which is approximately 12 hours after the planned war declaration.

Technically, since I know the rough estimate of the dire hours, I can even up the concentration to 5-in-four with the same intervals (30 mins). I don’t care how strong your liver is; your brain ain’t coming out of that unscathed during dire hours.

And if this is still not enough… then I can just up the intervals of 5-shots from 30 minutes to “work days”. Ergo, one shot at Friday, and three shots at Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The after-effects ought to be bad enough to last until Thursday, so I think I got the workdays covered.

Wait, I’m stupid. I have 20 shots to work with. I can just do 3-in-six with 24hrs interval and then do 2 shots for the last day.
(…well, no. Because this might just be enough time to recover from the liquor.)
Even if we target during dire hours?
(…well, okay. That is another matter entirely. Still, if we want to do damage, then we ought to try to maximize the duration, instead of being cheeky by pinpointing, right?)
Nah. Big shots will knock you out, but we are also hunting for dire hours.
(Don’t we already have a guess on when those happen?)
Better safe then sorry, no?
(Hm… What about the bet with Atlas?)

Okay, we might have to do this in one-go after all.


zone what are you doing

please don’t hurt yourself


i wonder what hes up to nowadays

probably nothing


i think he’s plotting a murder? but at this rate it might become a murder-suicide


ash you’re not allowed to like this post

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i promise you the joke went over your head

Youre impressed by playing with a bank robber but not impressed youve played mafia with the most handsome european man of all time?

I’m not allowed to like the post, and I’m not allowed to unlike the post.
Truly‎ Blue's Clues.


i’m impressed with how quickly you got voted out

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I should be a model. I used to get catcalled by girls in highschool

Unfortunate timing. Im still the GOAT though

you’re not the GOAT until you become an anni d1 exe

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has any anni d1 exe not instantly retired? 150+ players and they hate you the most. i would retire