Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One



you were in seattle this weekend?

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*looks at my screenshots*
*sees a post from Arete*
*looks at my setups*

“Hey guys, did you know that some -if not, many- of my setups were born from petty grudges?” :smiley:

*looks at other screenshot posts, this time from Vulgard*

“If it means I can prove you wrong… I will make setups that goes directly against your words!”

*starts working on a new setup*

P#72, 2024-01-30T01:05:00Z

(FTR I tried searching it myself: It cannot be found with the search engine, so it’s probably in one of the PMs. –you’ll never find it.)

Found it. Time was off by 3 seconds.

Discord, 2023-07-08T19:49:00Z
I dunno where this is from, so I am not even trying to search it. –but I will get you, Vul! I will get you one way or another! :fire: w :fire:

You thought [REDACTED] couldn’t happen, but that was exactly what happened at FAM4! We were [REDACTED] by Town [REDACTED], and there was no guarantee that it can’t happen to [REDACTED]!

I’m gonna do it Vul. I’m gonna make a setup where [REDACTED] and it will be glorious! :fire: :man_farmer: :fire:

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…oh, Vul quit FM.
(…that doesn’t stop me from making a new setup! The same way I made Gobbledigook for Jarek and showed it to him, I can make this setup for Vul and show it to him! \o/)

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*sees another screenshot*
August 28th, 2020… I shall not forget this grudge.
I may forget many events and many interactions, but this picture shall help me remember a feeling I do not wish to lose.

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vulgard is vulgone

He lives in our memories.
(And my screenshots.)
(At least, he is still alive. I think. Unlike…)
(Mmn. Let’s not think about those who are gone forever.)

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I mean it does take dedication to get the cookie.

Ngl I wondered for a second what you were on about.

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Is this from Star Trek by chance?

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No. It really is someone who passed away.

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Oh RIP. Are you talking about Vulgard?

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I slept for 14 hours i dreamt a lot. It got really scary at the end. I was holding a small cute puppy in my hands. Trying to walk the stairs to my apartsment to feed it. There was a wounded abomination of dog in the way missing an arm. It was bleeding. It walked on centipede legs. Like garfield horror from the “I’m sorry John” type of comics. And then another type of abomination appeared from where I just came. So there were two and I was stuck. They wanted to eat the puppy. I was scared but moreso frustrated because I wanted to protect the puppy. I tried to bait one by going in and out the elevator it was following me. I tried climbing up and kicking one in the face. Then I woke up there wasnt a resolution


Do you guys know about the glue man

Who has invented a special kind of glue that allows him to walk up and down anything