Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I have zero fucks left to give about anything or anyone rn. I could still get emotional like irritated or angry but i dont see myself feeling sad or happy or afraid any time soon. Those emotions are foreign to me rn

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that’ll happen with extreme stressers

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Are you presenting the project you sent me or is this something else?

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Its a 70 pages paper and the project and a presentation. Its done. Today i presented it and defended the rest


whatcha up to

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Oh so you don’t have anything to present anymore?

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I just got in my hotel room and im swiping sweat off my forehead with napkins i got from lidl earlier. In a bit ill go to billa and buy water, wet tissues, food for my train tomorrow and a beer. I cant drink too much i need to wake up at 6 am to catch my train. And drinking before the evening is degen

What are u up to

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Yes i graduated


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eating chocolate and looking at the sky

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Smol cutie Atly

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Ur going to the vet


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Tug of war

dog vs weak pathetic human

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it’s noon somewhere

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i watched a ballad of songbirds and snakes

why did they have to make him so hot

Who is him? Peta? Or is this the prologue one?

young president snow

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