Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One


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sortu the demond got to mr

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No??? I like WOMEN. W O M E N. WHEMEN

F e m i n i n e

S o f t

Smell g o o d

K i n d

G e n t l e

W h e m e n

don’t make me post the copypasta


seriously don’t i’m too lazy to find it


Im demolishing gender expectations. Women get to be all kissy kissy and theyre not considered lesbian? I thought its about time guys catch up. Thats all

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Hi guys. I feel remotely solicitous inscribing this post, albeit I should be jubilant. I’ve been procrastinating but its time I should just do it.

As you ken me and Arctic got along very well immediately when we first met. Then we commenced jestingly saying i dote you, calling each other sweethearts just as friends, you ken. It commenced as a whole “haha what if” thing but. Um. I realize the sizably voluminous irony here and i feel genuinely embarassed about this. My face is red right now. But uhhh… yeah, me and Arctic are now officially … dating, i conjecture? Its been very arduous accepting myself since as you ken i dont live in a society thats accepting of such things, as we are both AMAB. Im sorry i dont wanna make this an astronomically immense glamorous thing, you guys go back to shitposting, i just felt the desideratum to let you ken and show my appreciation since u guys are the reason i met my partner. Profoundly relish you all


its my third most liked post.

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Two out of your top three liked posts are leeching off of my popularity. You are nothing without me.

no it just turns out theres massive demand for people fucking with you. wonder why


This is random but i love you Lilith, youre a cool bean and a good friend. I appreciate you :heart:

ok lol

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So cool! She doesnt even care! So non-chalant! Dayyyyymnnnn

wanna listen to radiohead

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Sure, i can come in 5 minutes

lemme finish my cereal

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I have not and do not plan to.


im snacking on roasted corn with bbq flavor and a dark sweet beer with mild chocolatey flavor

in fact i used gray as one of my references


@Arctic code red. i repeat, code red. this is not a drill. lmk if u are gonna apply for real pls