Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I won

I concistently got higher scores than others

While other people were golfing with negatife scores I stood proud with my 23 golfing score

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This is true Litten had very high scores

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while the rest of us got to finish (less golf) litten found an infinite softlock (more golf)


3rd game i goated in f4 and shot a coven and voted out the famine


you waited to shoot until f4?

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i didn’t know there existed a deputy with that restraint

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i didnt know what my role did for 4 days. then i figure it out and decided to hold until it mattered


Dissapointed in the lack of d2 shot

I get the distinct feeling not knowing your role was the only thing stopping a day 2 shot


game 4 i was mayor but there was only 5 town. i went into f3 and got voted out by famine and a coven member


game 5 i was evil again but one of the evils outed the team to some rando out of pure swag and when he didnt die we got fucked

it was rather funny

overall rate the experience a solid 7/10 its as stupid as i remember

why did you leave

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this game with 6 villagers so a massive improvement
wish there was some balance check to make atleast 7 villagers every game lol

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why this bitch so happy about losing.
toxic positivity


No comment!

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if you tell me i’ll buy you 400 vbucks


i liked the game a decent bit
a few bits of theming were very bleh
it exudes passion and was apparently a solo-dev project and when i got my head around what everything connected in the story it was good
i think i preferred two’s story but three is definitely what fits into the ending of the games

…the very few puzzles, mainly the one i remember, had a very odd element where you’re supposed to know that aluminum explodes in freezer temperatures to get a key item and its the only way you can progress… but you have an axe in your inventory at the same time and you can’t split the aluminum can open (the game gives you a puzzle solver in it in the form of felix which is. fine. but i would’ve preferred for it to be something i could’ve logically figured out. the puzzles otherwise are just too easy)

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i think it had a few moments of surprising comical realism as well

a character in the early game can only live 2-3 ish years per cloning cycle, so the fast-tracking evolutionary process was revealed to be making his body slowly female so any future clones would live longer

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