Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

My average is the result from all three tests, Atlas!

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You can delay it all you want, but you still have to be a yoshie plushie!!!


i can delay it all i want

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Technically incorrect. You can only delay it until I get my results from the contestation on 12th july


speaking of college
me trying to figure out if i count as a transfer or a freshman

google it

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itd probably depend on the college so

this is what it says on eastern washington’s site, though

If you’ve earned any college credits after graduating high school, you’re a transfer student.

it is not after graduating high school so im ok

You’re from washington?? (Does that mean you wash alot? What do you washing a ton)

no im from utah

im just going out of state lmao

im currently trying to make sure my credits transfer lol

i doxed myself
but shut up

mods can you hide that edit :pleading_face:

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delete the post

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it doesn’t delete immediately

but ill do it for now

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but unless you want people to see it 6h later

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yeah fiar lol