Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

I ate so much tasty food my tummy is full and it hurts i need somebody to rub it :confounded:

@katze hellp please this is life or death. My tummy will explode if u dont rub it

Maybe if you didn’t eat Atlas you would have more room


Says the person that literally ate a full tub of ice cream - in an actual bath tub. shirtless. on stream. in front of like 15 people.



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I was not aware of this information

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It happened a while back iirc


sorcerer: they fixed all the problems I had with the class (namely, you got less effective preps than the wizard for ??? reasons) while giving it some new tools that are interesting. We haven’t seen metamagic yet so this could change

bard: they fixed Bardic Inspiration more or less making it 1 hour duration. I was most worried about them going overboard like they did in the playtest giving bard Just Wizard’s spell list. While that was cool full casters did not need the arms race to get even more powerful than they already were. Restraint was the call here and I’m happy they did that. Also the subclasses are funny.

monk: needs more gas but I like what they have here since they’re going for a basic design. It’s really as simple as that.

rogue: cunning strike is great. reliable talent at 7 is great. i personally think they need better sneak attack scaling or have in class ways to get reaction attacks (even if conditional). My only real complaint left is that the class has the godawful 3 → 9 for subclass scaling which butchers any way to give subclasses unique cunning strikes which could help with their identity a lot

cleric: 5e cleric was already pretty much my favorite cleric wotc has ever printed so no notes here. My mistake for not promoting bro to no notes tier i genuinely have nothing to say beyond system wide complaints

warlock: I haven’t seen the “pact-boon” related invocations but I haven’t seen anything that indicates that I’ll like how non-blade ones will be handled. Otherwise they did a great job with not fucking things up and improving versatility.

barbarian: I like the rage quality of life changes. I think primal knowledge is janky in implementation and needs work. Everything else is kind of eh. Very few of my core problems with the class were solved.

wizard: I haven’t seen any indication that they fixed the core problem of the power of the class being heavily tied to DM decisions which was always very frustrating since they gave no indication to the DM on what the ‘correct’ amount of resources to give to the wizard was. Memorize Spell is a good change though i guess.

paladin: the smite nerfs really just take away from the class. It was always played best at any table that had more than 1 encounter per long rest as an aurabot who occasionally goes in and smites someone to death on the first turn. Paladin spells really need work for most of them to be worth using since they have low value generally. I bring this up because one of the listed reasons for smite nerf was to have people use the spells more but they need to be bumped up to make that appetizing. 2014 paladin felt a lot better. I don’t think wotc should be making selective decisions based on low encounter days when they won’t do that to a system-wide level.

fighter: weapon mastery is cool but as a mechanic it is very front loaded. You’re a master at using weapons but you don’t get meaningfully better at using the weapon masteries beyond being able to swap masteries and choose between two in the late late game. This is a problem for fighter since this is the gimmick they’ve decided to go with. Stuff like J Crawford saying that flex (you can wield a longsword one-handed for 1d10 damage die instead of 1d8) is very strong kind of indicates to me that they didn’t really see the problems with fighter. Since weapon masteries are balanced around a level 1 character getting access to them, they don’t get meaningfully stronger as the game goes on. They SHOULD.

Ranger: hunter’s mark simultaneously gets a lot of features, pulls from your spellcasting resource, and doesn’t have any nuance. I think they didn’t know what to do with ranger and that reflects poorly. It was good in 2014 5e despite having a lot of ribbon features since the spell list was very good (goodberry + pass without trace + conjure animals is just nuts). I think they just needed to pick a lane here…but they didn’t. This is objectively in the eh tier but I subjectively strongly dislike the changes made here.

Druid: they were not cooking with the wild shape changes. They really should have just tried to make the UA Druid work by improving the stat blocks and giving them interesting features to work with since having it be Any Beast has historically handicapped their design and resulted in dumb things like pre-level 5 Moon Druid being genuinely stupid while simultaneously being very poor after that point due to needing to compete with a goddamn full caster. Primal Order is the bad kind of non-choice. The class is also an objective eh but wild shape was always the most iffy part of the class and they had the opportunity to tighten the design…but they didn’t and now I’m sad about it


to be clear regarding paladin, I think nerfing smite is Not a Good Idea but Ultimately Fine
but I take issue with the intent behind it since:

  1. It wasn’t particularly good in 2014 5e except in 1 encounter days against Big Beefy Dude
  2. They applied a bandaid solution to the gaping wound of 1 encounter days being imbalanced as fuck since classes that can just vomit resources are much better in those kinds of days. 4e had the solution to this with their power system giving good balance valves since SR / LR allegories in that system in Encounter and Daily powers gave the designers the opportunity to prevent a 1 encounter day paladin from existing

Making a cheese plate but we have no bread (barring sandwich bread) and all the fancy looking crackers are stale

The class isn’t a particularly worse spot power wise because of the buffs it got in other areas but the Concept Execution is probably worse

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How stale

Edible but unpleasant

That sounds better than sandwich bread to me but also I don’t really hate stale things

Yeah no way I’m using the sandwich bread. My current plan is this

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Clockwise, starting at 1 o clock:
Cheddar cheese
Gouda cheese (my favourite hard cheese)
Edible non stale boring crackers
Mint I stole from the garden
Raspberries from the garden
Decorative stale crackers

And honey in the middle

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Drives me crazy when people hear of “American cheese” and assume it is just the default cheese in America. Not what it is. It’s a product called Americancheese and we call it that here too

The default cheese is perhaps a solid middle class cracker cut cheddar

I worked at a place making subs for a while and harshly judged anyone who got American cheese

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ego driven Changes I Would Enact On Top Of These:

Sorcerer: it’s in no notes
Cleric: it is now in no notes

Bard: 1 hour should really just be ‘until the next short or long rest’. They should probably have moved a bardic inspiration protection feature from tasha’s into base class since your BI die being so unreliable due to being a dwhatever as a major class feature is kinda bleh.

Monk: add an additional base way to use focus points to the base class. Make heightened focus a little earlier since 1 additional punch that doesn’t get rider effects is only Ok. Give another version of heightened focus later that further buffs every single one of the baseline ways to use focus points. Probably give monk 2 bonus actions but make each focus point bonus action once per turn.

rogue: already mentioned.

warlock: really just needs to either trim book and talisman or give them actual design space to make them interesting.

barbarian: the class is balanced around rage being active every combat. why can’t we just take a page from 4e and make it an encounter power or something to that effect. Needs better features past level 7 to make up for the fact that bro does not get anything worthwile outside of subclass stuff there. Brutal Strike is overbalanced and needs power budget.

wizard: I don’t know how wotc should go about addressing the heavy dm fiat inherent in this class’s power budget. Spells the class was always the identity here so there’s not much to do.

paladin: bro idk. paladin’s biggest issues are system issues.

fighter: weapon mastery property improvements at higher levels? skill tree style fighting styles? there’s a lot you can do here

ranger: pf2e solves this. this is only 2% a joke.

druid: honest opinion is to focus on wild shape as the utility feature it is and offload the Wild Shape as a Combat Feature onto a new class designed around it. I know they won’t but it’s the best way to make the nature mage and animal transformation work simultaneously

Maykery Bakery