Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

You’d probably need something more expensive to trap me

free mahjong pictures inside box

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hey may get in this box it has a mildly painful stimulus

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m gonna try to create one a day for a week so i can justify spending an hour doing all this


Oh so the mahjong pictures again?

Jade Room BTW

oh wow jade. just like in dream of the red chamber

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I was hardstuck Expert III for like a year

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Whenever I picture Xifeng I actually just picture Fu Ji tbh

barbarian: rage and thought it would be funny
bard: self explanatory
cleric: don’t see fighting/felt like doing it
druid: wanted to do something unique
fighter: basic/failed to show up to class selection and got randomly picked
monk: it’s n.1
paladin: innocence or persistence
ranger: druid but really wanted to do it
rogue: self explanatory
sorc: incredibly wide variety of reasons
warlock: thought it would be cool to accept a suspicious deal/bored/offered a deal by Lady Gaga
wizard: 1. lock yourself in a tower for 20 years 2. ??? 3. come out with oddly specific knowledge on one thing


it’s n1 is the best reasoning


harnessing the power of the body in pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection


what’s your reasoning for rogueb

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brb running sorc17er with sorcs from this tierlist


“self explanatory”

…people who want to fight but don’t want to get hurt and are mentally marked as cats


idk enough about d&d to know why i’m a sorc and it’s obviously not just the nerd emoji spot because arete isn’t there

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I feel like I would be a multi classer

it’s not on the tierlist but Zug is an Artificer imo

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programmers are artificers (this makes sense to me)