Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Blue's Clues

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It’s still not fixed

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Imagine someone rando comes to our forum and tries to make a joke

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Somehody already did this durinf FAM4 and I immediately took the opportunity to attempt to gaslight them into thinking they typed Blue’s Clues actually


i can send you a photo of cocaine if you want


Did it work


mods atlas is being scary!

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yessss senddd :blush:



thats not cocaine thats 100 dollar

What do you think the hundred dollar bill has on it

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almost every u.s dollar apparently has trace amounts of cocaine on it
its probably less likely then claimed, but i dont find it unlikely that that is


I may win before may bt passing out

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HUH why does dollars have coke in them???

people reallyyy liked coke in the us and that hasnt changed too much

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Coke tasted eh
Dr Pepper tastes h better

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when you write short light hearted posts i imagine you saying them in a high pitched squeaky voice and i wanna bully you and be mean to you so much. when you write long posts and get invested into a topic i get scared of you and i dont wanna get in your way or i’m in big trouble. you can have polar opposite effetcs on me

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Does this include when I write long paragrpahs about the poetry of tumblr posts

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oh nah, if its about a ridiculous topic i just sigh in relief that i’m not in trouble and i dont read them (coz they’re too long for me)

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