Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

'm gonna open up a stream to make people help me
come do so
or don’t. then everybody i dunno and magnus and lilith and silviu are going in perception

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Tutu est un nôob


this has been fact checked to be true


What’s funny to me is I can’t find a time where zero doesn’t work as both a positive and negative number lol. Like if you multiply a negative number by a positive one, the result is negative. 0 (negative) × 1 yields 0 (negative) and 0 × -1 yields 0 and regardless of how you view it positive or negative, the result is consistent with numbers of the same positivity. I can’t find a contradiction with addition or subtraction either. Given that some people view it as both positive and negative it probably shouldn’t be surprising that it’s well-behaved.

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Biden Robinette Trump has approved this message

new question: is 0 even or odd?


it can be divided cleanly by 2

Resulting in 0?

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this is the objective correct answer good job

thank you!!

you didn’t fall for the intentional nondilemma i set up

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atlas arguing 0 is both positive and negative versus litten arguing “lying” means “unknowingly saying false facts”

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sorry tutuu but i have the french on my side

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death to the french

typing up a report as we speak

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What did you just say, sucker

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I think I’m the reasonable one, honestly