Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

Atlast, you shall be able to speak

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Technically the Zombuul was never reanimated. They aren’t a vampire, they were always dead.

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it didn’t really change anything

turns out making loud declarations of something doesn’t make it true

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Aww, you’ll be mute forever

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and now you’re just wishing curses on me


New new!

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Atlas why did you put the thread on silenciado

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can you new new once for yes and new new twice for no

say it three times for understanding


New new new!


it kept making me check it in real time

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Maybe he wants new vocal cords…
Silviu, let’s get you prepped for your surgery. Don’t worry, the larynx grows back.


I will steal your glasses (derogatory)

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do you know the evil doctor who made you like this


New new

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Stop starring at the page, atlassie

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Compromise. We snap them in half and take one side each.

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That would be yes, then.


you realllyyy think youre scaring me when i openly put up my page for a screenshare

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i had an episode earlier and its still lingering a bit. the feeling is very specific. hard to describe unless you experience it. i was (and still am) under so much fear that my friends will hate me and that i need to apologize to everyone. paranoia that i’m about to get into drama and fighting and lose friends. i know that there’s no reason for that, i know that its ridiculous, and i can recognize the pattern of this fear being in vain. so despite my brain being on full alert that i’m experiencing an episode and me understanding the situation on a logical level i cant fully control the part of my brain responsible for my emotional reaction. i suppose that this is a very similar feeling that people with schizophrenia experience when they hear voices or see hallucinations, but they know there’s nobody there. i had a close friend with it and she described to me about it a lot. she described it as frustrating. maybe it’s worse for her, i dont know how bad it was for her. i wouldn’t use the word frustrating for me. “silly” maybe. “tiring”. yeah. exhausting is a good word, tiring. i think typing out the post ground myself in, feeling strongly like grounding in and getting rid of the nonsense. maybe this is what helps me keep my cool in actual situations where i get into fights. as long as the episode doesnt takeover, i usually handle things well


do you trust magnus to figure out who it is

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