Cookie Thread Act 4 (Act 5): The Fifth One

He got into a car accident the other day but idk if that’s what you’re asking about

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New new new new new new new!!!

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Litten is that true

littens mostly fine, we. think

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car’s completely totaled though

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New new!

Poor kitty was sore. But largely unharmed


New new new new new!

Oh god, this is severe…

New new new!

Can’t get meat sticks at 2AM anymore


litten im not sure what ur trying to say… :/


Making meat sticks at 2 AM not clickbait

-0 is useful if a number is so small that it rounds to 0 but you still need to know its sign

Pretend each “New” equals 0, and each “New New” equals 1.
Now translate a message from binary. Have fun, it definitely won’t be spam.

New new new![quote=“Chloe, post:89, topic:8091, full:true”]

Holy shit its the mu admin

New new new!

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Add a space before the quote command begins to fix it.

did you guys know that the first total larynx transplant on a cancer patient happened earlier this year

i actually just read an article about it literally yesterday


New new!!!