Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

if we made a tower of ourselves we would reach space

and suffocate and die

we have not yet had to do this because there was no need to attack space pokemon. but if the need arised

kat im so stumped

Does this have anything to do with ethics or ethical dilemmas

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i should’ve been asleep like actually two hours ago just. we need to solve the katze tierlist


would they switch doors in the monty hall problem

very tangentially towards ethics

Monocrow might be an even better headmaster than Monokuma.

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lmfao this is literally me :sob::sob: im so invested in ppl making tierlists lmao

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i don’t even have a clue, chart is hard

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you’re all going to be disappointed rip

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too tired cant figure out

@cheez-it A trolley is heading towards 5 people. You can pull the lever to divert it to the other track, killing 1 person instead. What do you do?


derail the train

Katzeeeee hint

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both axes are somewhat arbitrary

Are the axes related i.e. could you make a tier list of Just One and have it make sense

you could probably separate them both into two different one-axis lists but the horizontal axis would be a pretty silly list to have on its own

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with some exceptions the vertical axis is based off physical vibes and the horizontal one off of… not physical vibes?