Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

He really just dissapeared

Who did this




What did I miss?

Did dota really been actively watching this cookie thread or did somebody tell them about it?

I love the mystery of this saga so far

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we all know mason is horrible at his job but is simon bad at killing

Turtlehead spoilers

I donā€™t think heā€™s bad at killing, I think heā€™s pulling a michael myers where he wants to psychologically torment before taking lives. Emma I believe couldā€™ve died a long time before if Turtlehead really tried, literally that first chase scene where Emma blocks the door with a chair couldā€™ve definetly ended poorly.


but if he wanted to just pull the same thing he pulled on harriet he couldā€™ve just left her in the closet anyway


That is true, but in that chase wasnā€™t Emma spotted next to the area where Mason got stabbed? Or did Simon leave to deal with Herriet?


in harriet route he left to chase her down
in emma route he chased emma down
in one of them he let her go in a horrid hiding spot and the other one had to barricade the door because the closet is a death trap

I KNOW ā€”> <ā€”


he obviously played with his food with harriet but i dont think he did so with emma


Come to think of it, Emma route is unforgiving, though I still feel Simon tried to toy with her. Remember when Herriet was placed on the stage and then got replaced with cardboard? Then later, Simon went there to place a key for Emma.


the keycard itself just led emma into more danger, i think it was more simonā€™s hubris then anything

Turtlehead spoilers

You know I wonder why Simon didnā€™t kill Herriet and Mason? Donā€™t you want to kill them instantly to be done for it?

This is why I think Simon was trying to design something similar to a death game, if you really want your job to be done, then one throat slash does the job, but he didnā€™t do that.

One revisit on Mason would reveal heā€™s still alive, especially when Emma frequents that room. And especially drowning Herriet last-minute is silly.

Iā€™m not sure if Simon somehow is a psychic to learn of Emmaā€™s corrosive self-esteem and wanted to inflict survivor regret or something.

But he definetly tried to toy here alot.

Turtkehead Spoilers

I just remembered, why arenā€™t the entrance door closed entirely in the Emma route? Why turtlehead just allows people to flee?


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he doesnt care enough about emma to bother locking the doors

Oh the new Dota got banned.


im not saying he didnt
i just think he toyed significantly more with harriet then emma, and completely stopped toying with her near the old school building
he send her to where, i donā€™t know if this is exclusive to harriets route, where harriet falls and bangs her head causing her to bleed on the floor