Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

all 2 of your stat points

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She is, or was, a second wave feminist. First wave feminism was about suffrage, and second wave was broadly about equality both legally and in the home and workplace. Reproductive rights was a major issue as well. Third wave feminism (starting in the early 90s) is about a lot of things, but the primary distinguishing factor is that it’s feminism with an awareness of intersectionality i.e. women do not experience the same universal oppression but rather the intersection of different kinds of oppression based gender, race, class, sexuality. It in part attempts to redress the failings of second wave feminism that mostly helped middle and upper class white women. It’s also inclusive of transwomen.

Back to second wave feminism. An idea talked about in a lot in second wave feminism was the notion of separatism, particularly lesbian separatism in a manner similar to and sort of inspired by Zionism/Jewish separatism. This idea that lesbians, or just women in general, could only be safe through separation of men and women is the origins of trans exclusionary radical feminists. There also slightly different kinds of TERF (like among actual radical feminists, not just transphobes) as well, but it doesn’t actually matter in the context. Between the 1970s and 1980s, there was a period of time called, and I kid you not, the “feminist sex wars” which divided the movement over things like sex positivity, lesbians, and trans people. Much of JKR’s bullshit echoes of that of the TERFs that arose during the end of the second wave.

Now all of this is to say that JKR could easily believe that she is indeed standing up for women’s rights, and depending on one’s preexisting beliefs, it would not be hard to believe her. However, this is becoming increasingly less true even if you’re just a second wave feminist because now JKR is cozying up to many forces that are explicitly interested in rolling back the gains made during the second wave of feminism. JKR as an affluent, straight, white, cis woman doesn’t really need to worry about all that though because she’s going to be fine. People like her are going to be just fine.


not only did i miss the return of one of my favorite permanently banned usersbut i also walked in to a fucking wallpost about jk rowling

im going back to work


It’s mostly about the history of feminism

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I think she puts on a thinly veiled disguise for her transphobia that fools some people sometimes
But not everyone lmao

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oh idk she’s gone full holocaust denier now like on main so it’s hard to say that it’s thinly veiled anymore if you could even say it has been thinly veiled for the past few years. she says a lot of stuff about supporting women’s rights, but if you look at the people she supports and see what they believe (right-wing extremists that would rollback women’s rights), it’s hard to square that with being a supporter of women’s rights

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who up yurkin they fol


I am

who up maxxing they stima

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You can’t just do that to me, I am in too much of a laughtery mood today

oh nice I’m like 2 hours from Aret

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?? u gonna hunt them down??


beep boop

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…what happened


we do a little self-doxxing


It fools my sister at least

I’m not, but it’s not a good idea to have that much personal identifying information just out on the internet in front of a bunch of strangers lol

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