Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

like you can cut my ring fingers and pinkie fingers off and same typing speed

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I had this map of keyboard use

oh you mean, 4 fingers in total, across both hands…

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I feel like that can’t fully be hypermobility though
there’s still, like, the fact you have to move them somewhat

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idk it was always just easier for me to type this way idk

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It does make it harder to type in general so I can see it


I have to curve my fingers so they don’t bend backward


I mean it can take some time to learn so

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I do not still got it

I am WAY slower

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also what site

Oh yea I only get like 60-70 wpm

It gives very short easy typing tests so you can inflate your WPM nya nya nya nya

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this is what goes through my head at any given moment


I was doing 15 second which are easier

what do the words say I cant read it

i cant think very clearly so this is accurate

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why is this the first post i see when i open the cookie thread before bed