Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

bro I don’t know anybody who started a nonprofit idk lmfao


eagle scout service projects go pretty hard tho

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I know one (1) person who “founded a nonprofit” and it was her mother. It was 100% her mother. Her mom almost hired me to design a logo but I didn’t feel like doing it

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So I didn’t

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Founder of non profit that teaches over 200 orphans Have 3 publications in soft robotics and robotics (IEEE, ASME) Researched development of designs that became patented. Researcher at two labs - one deals with soft robotics, the other deals with using Boston dynamics spot with ai. Researcher at MIT - work with BCIs Intern at a space organization Mission director of space launch for that org 1st in Bell AVR states, 4th in championships President of committee that goes to local schools to teach about business. Have some more but these are the primary ones

Income is high if that makes any difference

35 minutes ago on r/chanceme. “Income is high if that makes any difference”

Income is high if that makes any difference


if you mean in the sense that charter schools (like all public schools) receive school funding by whatever funding mechanism your state uses then I guess this is technically true but like in that case it’s also true of public schools? charter schools receive less per-pupil funding on average than normal district schools ([my state], [nationwide], [additional possibly-less-biased source for the nationwide stats])

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Teaching they orphans

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why is this a sub

There’s evidence of us at the beginning of recorded history. We’ve been here forever. We’ll always be here.


somebody didn’t see my clarification

You would not believe how many opportunities in my life I have passed by with “I didn’t feel like doing it so I didn’t”


the chanceme/applying2college spheres are INSANE. stuff of nightmares. so glad i ducked all of that by applying to schools nobody on either of those subs would call anything but safety



I even actually did like charity fundraising work with the fuckin Blaseball streams

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I mean I applied to like 14-ish schools and got accepted to like 4 (and waitlisted 1) so maybe I shoulda spent more time there :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think humans are mostly affected by this feeling to not act

Harvard rejected me because they’re scared of me


I wanted to be productive for 3 years now

I am not having too much luck, I blame internet but is too good to leaveeeeeeeeeeee

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BACKGROUND: Current Junior in HS White Hispanic Male, SoCal, High income Legacy at USC Applying for either math or compsci at all colleges

STATS: 4.0 UW, 1550 SAT (800M) 13 APs, 6 Honors, 6 CC Classes

Note: Ive taken a lot of high level math classes like Calc BC(5), Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math


Three published research papers in Markov Chains with a stats professor at T50 university

Attended MITES Summer Program

Attended another selective summer program for math (think promys/ross level)

Founder and Head Tutor of a tutoring business with $10,000+ profits, hired 5 tutors, 30+ clients

President of school math team and math club

Captain of Track & Field (recruited at some d3 schools)

Volunteer Math Tutor

like just look at this stuff. these are people that grew up with money that nobody here will ever see