Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

is this how we explain gameshows now


do you have phones in your dreams i do

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its fucked up but i have been on discord several times in my dreams. generally talking to old friends that i no longer have contact to


i wonder if they have the same dream

i have reconciled with people in my dreams. it is nice. maybe I should contact these people and reconcile with them actually. or attempt to at least

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I can’t believe how the hard right wingers here managed to pose Brexit as a pro-free market thing to British citizens as well. The EU was a free marketers’ dream. Illegal to charge other EU countries’ import tax? Equal regulatory ground for competition to thrive in other EU countries? The free market was enshrined in EU law as well as a fundemental core principle.

We actually did something right for once, literally created it, had some special exemptions to rules that benefited us and we left???

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Wealth of Nations was written and published before the Industrial Revolution really kicked off. The problems of capitalism were evident in about a century during America’s Gilded Age. John D. Rockefeller, in response to the Sherman Anti-trust act breaking up monopolies, founded the University of Chicago. The Chicago school of economics (from UoC’s economics department) just so happened to provide a theoretical basis for allowing more mergers and deregulation and a whole bunch of other shit that has led to disaster for the consumer but prospering for the robber baron class. Even Adam Smith recognized that capitalists were a huge problem with capitalism, but it’s a system that was never designed to handle the levels of wealth concentration seen post industrial revolution, and globalization after that. You cannot compete with a company who buys you out or sends out armed men to sabotage it or threaten you or just has enough capital and economy of scale to keep prices so artificially low that they drive out everyone else.

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Speaking of this my £200 gaming controller being imported from Poland is going to cost me like £50 in importation fees. BREXIT MEANS BREXIT. This is clearly causing competition to thrive, and won’t create pseudo-monopolies due to price inflation on foreign goods


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Brexit is possibly the most damning indictment of direct democracy in the history of the world. It was just unbelievably stupid. So obviously stupid that barely anyone voted in the referendum because there’s no way the UK would just cut off its nose to spite its own face that hard.


We also managed to create an institution with so much power that regulations made in the EU would even affect manufacturing globally (the Brussels’ effect). The EU was (is) making such good progress with competition law and regulation. I’m still very bitter that we left.

I agree that it should be obvious there are certain markets and sectors where it should be publicly run and funded for just a multitude of reasons that are not hard to figure out when you think it through even a little bit, and yet the US keeps backsliding on it despite all of the available evidence pointing towards it being much, much, much worse for the vast majority of people.


You should be lol. It was always going to be bad, nearly every expert and person with enough power to stop it knew it was going to be bad. The EU had made a slideshow early on that predicted beat for beat what was going to happen and how bad it was going to be that was extremely accurate. And yet Brexit happened anyway. The UK just doomed itself in the long run to being less influential and prosperous for made up boogie man reasons.

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I like to think I can blame England for it since we voted 62% to remain.
@Wazza is clearly culpable for Brexit

The tragedy is the independence referendum was before it rather than after.


It’s amazing how relatively stable the SNP is. You know how hard right wingers have their go-to on criticisms for anyone they don’t like? That go-to is the race & name of our leader - they don’t have anything actually legitimate to criticise him on. It’s appalling.

They did have the ~week of when the Hate Crime Bill was getting passed, but now that the media has lost interest in that, it’s back to the racism.

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Oh actually I lied, they’re currently accusing him of being racist toward white people by pointing out that pretty much everyone who holds high office is white. Forgot about that one.

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They wanna think they’re oppressed so bad it’s embarrassing. The only thing that’s more humiliating is the UK wanting to be the US as bad as they do. Like just let us annex you lil bro and spare yourself some shame.




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