Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

But they have society

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I mean they’re anthropomorphic in the idea that they have human behaviours but its just cats


cats would never engage in the societal evil of making society

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There’s one book where they invent ice hockey. Like actual ice hockey. And then a major character immediately falls through the ice and dies

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I trust you tbh

I think i ask him how okd he is every few months lol

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My sister is 2007 and my brother is 2010

this is what actually happened to John Ice Hockey

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damn y’all don’t know how old your siblings are? (i routinely think my sibling is year younger than she actually is because she took a gap year)

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tragic tale

I know how much older they are than me but can’t remember years off the top of my head

gen alpha brother ? its so over

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absolutely no clue

6 and 8 years older respectively

dont u have a trans sibling or did i make up that headcannon

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Every time I come home he’s picked up a new Word

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i do

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I don’t even know how old actually I am…

I always subtract my birth year from actual year before answering to this basic question…


I know my siblings’ birth years and will never forget them because they’re just reference years in my head. When I see 2007 I register it as “my sister’s birth year”. But I forget their actual ages relative to those years

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So I have to do the math every time

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