Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

The first exam is allthe multivar and the second exam is the lalgebra

they didn’t even have enough time to cover all of multi in our multi course. the literal last day was spent rapidfiring through the divergence theorem and green’s theorem and stokes theorem i still don’t actually know them

follow for more. i mean it. follow me home. go inside. make us dinner and kiss me goodnight

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Oh yeah I completely forgot green’s theorem on the exam and got 0 points for the question on it

this was all after our last exam but before the final. but i had mathematically locked an a in the class and the final was optional

Game was mechlocked

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thinking about the course where the professor deliberately gave 5 fewer total points than was needed to mechlock an a before the final project/test (our choice). so i only needed 7 points on the final test it was very fun. in retrospect i probably could’ve just done a 7 point worthy final project for slightly less effort but i don’t think i would’ve let myself risk choking an easy a like that


I got a 7/25 on the last homework for inorganic i and because I turned it in digitally I have no idea what I did wrong


The average grade in this class is a 71.42 which is good for a B-

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Reminds me of the day where I had 3 finals from 9AM → 12PM , 12PM → 3PM, and 3PM → 6* PM

This is the one that Magnus and Litten were helping me with

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i think that’s what you did wrong

For some definition of helping

Oh no

wtf how hard was the HW



The most brutal HW I ever did had like a class average of 50%

Bro my grandma is a chem professor, she would not let me bomb a chem exam

you know, all the people in may’s inorganic chemistry class must not have been related to chem professors. that was their mistake