Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

well you can ask them then, no?

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A perfect score on the homework only currently gives me a 79.96 (which is rounded down to a B) over a 78.04 (also a B) which is like precise levels of Not Mattering Right Now but what if I do well on later exams and it does matter

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I have

I have so much to do and I really really don’t wanna



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Somebody come to my house and read linear algebra text book to me so I dont hvae to use my eyes

i’m currently procrastinating my topology hw that was due a week ago

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hehe topology


Everyone else out here studyin bottomology


I had a group chat called “university of crying and dying” for a time due to elaborate telephone of replacing words and in jokes and this is how I feel at moemnt


Lmao my class groupchat is called “[program] Trauma Bonding”


That’s so fucking real

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I clicked on the group chat but I forgot that it was basically like. Well we had one main group chat which people would open in public and get notifs for on their phone so “university of crying and dying” was the CONTAINMENT group chat for when you were sending something you didn’t want people to open in public

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And so I forgot there was a lot of content in there,

I forgot my Discord profile used to look like that

This used to be me


I was homestuck obama econony avatar for a solid while in 2020

update: all sites have been cleared

what actually happened still not 100% clear but it seems likely that the events at work and local schools are not connected? local schools got called as likely some sort of prank entirely unrelated to the leaky air tank(s) that seem to have been incorrectly shipped here (the noise of which set off our own evacuation)

tucson bomb squad had a busy as fuck day today, at any rate


incredible band name


hello sharks. I would like 100,000 dollars to put on bitcoin. you can have 5% of my internet likes from hereon out.

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