Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

You know you play too much of a video game when somebody else, entirely unprompted, makes a shirt for your team and puts it on their web store

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considering an invitational rn

I didn’t tinfoil I just wasn’t sure. I thought it was a cute name either way!

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somehow this made me imagine a game with 15 elizas in it

which one dies d1

which one makes reads

are either mafia



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didnt arete write a fic about this one time

I wonder how the grammatical “errors” I make come across to outsider… not the normal errors but the changes of tense and omission and adding of words which I do to be of tone. The ones I do in this message now. It is so hard for me to judge them from perspective external…

I try to do that all the time, it is entertainment to me. Take things I am doing and then try to simulate how a complete outsider would see them… when I watch videos I frequently go “how would I see this video if I didn’t speak English and only had tone and imagery”… but there are some things I am too familiar with to do this of. I don’t know what I look like… my face is too familiar to be known to me


may in their head to outsiders: what is this mysterious creature and how far can i throw it

may to outsiders: holy shit its may from the flowers


I do not think people think of me as mysterious at all. Iam very much not mystery


I am extremely transparent


average foler

one of a kind foler


if you’re so not mysterious then how far can i throw you

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Probably pretty far given I am not substantial

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But then again you are probably not substantial either.

i just got roasted i am now dead


Very sad. No cure


Does it come across as lack of language knowledge or intentional…

I don’t really think the grammar people use on a forum is indicative of their knowledge either way. I just don’t let myself get bogged down by thinking about correct grammar in the moment and just focus on the tone


By knowledge I just mean whether they think this is a stylistic choice or if it is something they just read as unintentional

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