Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Oh fuck true…

do not ever again

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At least I get to choose my problems

Not anymore!
dms you on discord cutely

I’m sorry but that’s like saying punch a cactus or lick a frozen pole


the old me would’ve said something so much worse I’ve gone soft… :pensive:

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What are you guys doing

ive licked a frozen pole before
wouldnt reccomend tbh



no… hug the cactus!! Be friends! :3

I’ve punched a cactus before
Wouldn’t recommend

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have you not seen A Christmas Story

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what the hell is wrong with you people

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I accidentally tried to grab a cactus by the cactus part once

tsun tsun

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I own like 3 cacti in my home

i have not no

I could literally go touch one rn