Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread


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The protagonist keeps saying “we” which threw me off to

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The protagonist is Falinks

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i thought i didn’t have a personality outside of pokemon


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Mayor Quimby makes an offensive frog legs joke.

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isn’t this just may

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dunno about gender scam but being curled in a corner is cat like behacior


The gender scam thing is definitely true


I list my pronouns differently on different sites in order to manipulate which ones people use


My god

Homer Simpson was told by God he’s a cartoon character. That’s why he willingly does stuff that would kill anyone else. Change my mind.


@Silviu200530 you owe me 10 bucks

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I just saw this post

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Have you ever heard about the Homer Simpson fan theory, regarding his conversation with God in Homer the Heretic episode?

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A colleague of mine advised me that I need to let go of my reliance on my work for friendship. I’m about to register with their 401k, and I plan to stay there for a long time; maybe even my whole career, so she’s right, but this is easier said than done.

By orchestrating a promotion for one of my best friends, combined with the fact that she is now probably dating another worker, this has probably negated any significant risk of her quitting anytime soon.

But another friend has made comments to me that indicate he is on the verge of quitting, and will probably do so soon unless I can convince my boss to cut his hours, which I’m not sure she’ll be willing to do as he is pretty incompetent.

I think I just need to start reading and studying more voraciously to try to make myself not bored as shit anymore on my off days. These anxieties usually occur when I’m off. I need to make better plans on how to defeat boredom, even if I don’t have work and am exhausted that day. I should probably sink my teeth into a new JRPG or anime or something for times when I don’t have the energy to focus on cardio or a book.

Making a promise to not text any colleagues for a month also made me realize that I’m kind of needy and maybe they’re not as good of friends as I was treating them as. We’re all forced to spend many hours together every week, but it’s honestly probable that all those relationships would disappear entirely if I ever stopped working there, and I need to be mindful of that.


I’ve been there for 2+ years longer than any of the friends I work with now, so conventional wisdom should dictate that I could make new friends there in the future. It is true that I worked with other people in the past that I became friends with and then fell out of contact with when they quit. But these friendships feel particularly strong and valuable to me (more so than previous ones) so losing them is definitely one of my strongest fears currently.

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yeah this tends to be very true. Its why I stick with my friends I have had since I was a child and I havent really been interested in making more from work or anything like that.

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I get that a lot, its why I do everything I can for my friend group, getting a hobby you all share tends to work wonders. Like for me, every monthish we all come together for a day and play DnD for like 10 hours. Its really fun, and we talk about all sorts of stuff