Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

It’s pretty blatantly unconstitutional

alright so, your index card says it’s being challenged as a violation of the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment

I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be citing actual case law here, but if not this seems like a fairly straightforward argument – the kid is a natural-born citizen, it’s unconstitutional to deprive them of their automatic privileges that they automatically get for being a citizen


We literally brought this up during the fake legislature




If shes my lawyer i’ll earn life sentence for jaywalking


Just don’t get hit by a car when you jaywalk, nerd


Hi, speech and debate is my passion. The best arguent people normally make are personal anicdotes regarding the border and the fact that the conditions in other countries are horrible, I can’t see the bill at the moment but going to the emotional approach is good. In addition to that, they’re not allowed to deport natural born citizens without going against the constittuion.

The argument I’ve had the most success in for these types of legislation is the affirmation, saying that we shouldn’t strike down such a legislation, so I think generally the negation is harder to aruge for(not saying that’s the correct approach, I don’t like getting involved in politics.) The best argument I’ve seen about the negation is going over how people’s living conditions in places that often flee to us are horrible (Syria, Mexico, ect) and it’s a moral evil that’s ultimately good. I’ve seen a few people compare it to escaped slaves but I never really like making that argument, given imo it’s just morally wrong.

How Immigration Affects the Economy.
Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs | George W. Bush Presidential Center.
World Report 2023: Rights Trends in Mexico

Theres two really good sources to use. ALso, a lawyer doesn’t argue this, a congressman does.

So basically, the two main arguments are the equal protection clause of the 14th ammendment as mentioned, and the fact that immigration is good for the economy. You can bring up the horirble living condtiions.

I can’t actually read the legislation so I could be missing something that makes all of my points invalid



That works



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Yeah but it’s a fake lawyer so it’s ok

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13k likes on twitter in 6 hours on a tweet by THE incineroarfan69. incredible purchase.


Hi, speech and debate is my passion. The best arguent people normally make are personal anicdotes regarding the border and the fact that the conditions in other countries are horrible, I can’t see the bill at the moment but going to the emotional approach is good. In addition to that, they’re not allowed to deport natural born citizens without going against the constittuion.

The argument I’ve had the most success in for these types of legislation is the affirmation, saying that we shouldn’t strike down such a legislation, so I think generally the negation is harder to aruge for(not saying that’s the correct approach, I don’t like getting involved in politics.) The best argument I’ve seen about the negation is going over how people’s living conditions in places that often flee to us are horrible (Syria, Mexico, ect) and it’s a moral evil that’s ultimately good. I’ve seen a few people compare it to escaped slaves but I never really like making that argument, given imo it’s just morally wrong.

How Immigration Affects the Economy.
Benefits of Immigration Outweigh the Costs | George W. Bush Presidential Center.
World Report 2023: Rights Trends in Mexico

Theres two really good sources to use. ALso, a lawyer doesn’t argue this, a congressman does.

So basically, the two main arguments are the equal protection clause of the 14th ammendment as mentioned, and the fact that immigration is good for the economy. You can bring up the horirble living condtiions.

I can’t actually read the legislation so I could be missing something that makes all of my points invalid


if i get this in my feed so help me god


i’m on your cookie thread
i’m in your social media feeds
I am in your dreams

you can never, ever escape me


I want to get a cat in my feed nyaaa

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You want to eat a cat?

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Are you a cat