Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

i was gonna ask if that could be one of them lmao

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ill be sure to camp for 4k so i can make this not happen


you know I can just edit the title back right


nuh uh

I have gotten one fucking quiz question wrong this entire time. Each quiz is 2 questions. I got a 1/5 on one of them because I solved the problem correctly using a different fucking method

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honeslty should be able to sue your teacher for points at that point tbh


unless there is a REASON to be using one method over another then whys it matter if both work

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how tf did you get a 1/5 when you got a 3/5

Two questions: I got a 5/5 on one, and a 1/5 on the other.

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Oh god thats Gradescope, I know that fucking formating :ghost:


She very explicitly said in lecture many times that we would lose points if we didn’t use the method she demonstrated. I just forgot the method she demonstrated because I did all my homework the other way

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makes it slightly better
still shouldnt be a requirement in the first place

That is so dumb, if your right you should be right

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Do you want no power? Because this is how you get no power.

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ill take everywhere for 100 alex

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dogs cant drive go away worsie

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I need to get more sleep

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