Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

where would ducks land on this scale

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i havent read anything bad about them i had no idea they were evil. why do all cute animals gotta be evil :sob:

like legit sharks are so scary and have a bad reputation but they kill less people than vending machines or something afaik

they kill like 3-7 people a year
vending machine accidents kill more, mhm

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let’s just say the only thing that made me think of ducks was the headline of the article arctic linked

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i feel like i almost don’t have to explain why chimps, but


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oh yeah. ive read a story of a pet chimp that

well. i was about to say but its all nsfw. i dont feel like being all gloomy. i could put it under spoiler but realistically everyone will still click on it lets be real. the curiosity of clicking “nsfw” spoilers is too big

yeah now that i think of it

i think that the function of spoilers is a nice gesture, it shows good will. in reality i think it actually attracts attention more. or at least thats the effect on me, maybe different for others

yeah i know the one

i think it might even be the same chimp as in the picture

reeeeeeeeeeeeeal big “only read if you’re in an emotionally stable place” kinda thing

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according to reddit it is in fact travis in the picture

idk if i trust that, i can’t find another source

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scratch that, found plenty of sources

we’re looking at a picture of one of the biggest hindsight-is-20/20 moments you could imagine

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i know this story and this image will never not be terrifying

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i think we are so so lucky to be born humans

not that human life is perfect; a lot of people have bad lives and suffer. and the amount you can get tortured is tremendous. but most of us lead ~normal ~okay ~average lives and its miles better than wild animals. the only things that have easier lives is probably pet animals with good owners. they’re living the dream

im concluding that its optimal to be a pet


finally someone gets it


im too sick to be posting who let me cook




F for marluna she died for our sins. one minute of silence


took you long enough


was marluna really throwing? it kinda almost worked lol

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like even if it was true you can argue it did more to almost win mafia the game than anything else