Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

silviu is truly silviuposting

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Wouldn’t it be concerning if I wasn’t?

indeed. never change unless you want to or end up having a trans awakening or


I think tomorrow I will be sick. I am getting the chills (not the ones from spookiness)

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But it’s like the opposite, I feel like I have a fever but when I check, my face is in fact not hot in the slightest (sorry girls)

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Are you a clairvoyant?


you can never feel your own fevers just by touching your face. get someone else to do it


Thank you for your advice, I am NO longer going to school.

Good night everybody


Gdi I always forget one thing when I do laundry

I double checked but I still missed a sweater
Not important as I don’t need more than a short sleeve shirt above 35F but still mildly irritating

Definitely less bad than missing socks. I go through at least 3 pair a day lol

Hello number one, how are you doing

I’ll have all six pairs of work uniforms and running clothes refreshed, and enough socks (like ~16 pair) to supplement them. Which is what matters

Well, hbu

A bit sick, but still well


So yeah, I have the common cold

:tada: :partying_face: :piñata: :mirror_ball:

Thanks doctor now I can just do nothing at home instead of doing nothing at school

Bro pulled a 3-star on the sickness banner.

Hi everyone!


Welcome back Wiz!