Just thought of a new mafia game
Quest Mafia
Mafia go complete hidden quests to win the game
Easily the best mafia game ever no flaws
One town knows all the quests
But if mafia guess that town town loses
Mafia is going to turn us into quest items
oh so mafia doesn’t even have to actually complete the quest to win
loose lips are quest completion father
Get two villagers to send cat pictures
Have the entire lobby vote a wolf at once
And more ideas!
Make a readlist that is composed entirely of wolves being in the town reads
first quest trivial
We have a random villager who must complete a quest each day or town loses too
Random, non mafia quest, but a town quest
town trying to juggle between avoiding all 30 of its loss conditions once litten is done with this
You are right
Mafia need to juggle too
There is a wolf who, if executed, wolves lose
Of course this will always go to the player the hosts think is most likely to be killed d1 in the mafia team
Wow! And maybe dead players can keep their votes
at what point does this just become a visionary game
But only one each