Cookie Thread Act 4: katze thread

Accepting a plea deal is a criminal conviction. It’s called a plea deal because it’s a deal by which you plead guilty and waive your right to further argue against the charges.

(Edit: actually if I remember correctly, the vast majority of plea deals have the defendant pleading “No Contest” rather than “Guilty” because the former is not an admission that you actually did anything wrong just that you aren’t going to fight about it anymore. I’m not sure all of the situations it matters, but I believe it would matter in a civil suit regarding the act in question. That is, a guilty plea could be used against you, but the no contest plea could not.)


yeah I was gonna say

Imposing a (fair) duty of care on police to protect every citizen would be rather difficult.

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No, but (in E&W) contractual duty can create a duty of act; it depends on the situation

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Let’s just assume this is true. I don’t think we should give them no obligation to protect citizens and protect them from all liability if they could have safely done something and just chose not to. They should have some obligation to use their exclusive state-sanctioned capacity to use force for the good of the community that has entrusted them with that enormous power with the understanding that was how it would be used.

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The current law to achieve this in E&W is a “misconduct in public office” offence which can be fulfilled by an omission to act.

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England and Wales? And I was speaking specifically with regards to US law which was implied but never explicitly said

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Yes, England & Wales. I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just letting you know a different approach another country has found which seems close enough to what you want for the US.

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It’s not what I want as much as I think should be the bare minimum in a sane and just society. I am not going to get into what I want to happen.

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I read it very quickly. This is my understanding which could be wrong:
It’s because the law which allows citizens of the US to sue the government is applicable in cases of deprivation of rights granted under the Constitution or law, and the court found that a restraining order did not grant a property right and was therefore not under the protection of the 14th amendment or any law.
Essentially, the courts are reluctant to recognise anything other than a right proscribed by law being breached as actionable in court with regards to the police.

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so you can swing both ways huh~



Incredibles Syndrome the Hero 720p (
For a criminal genius, this guy sucks at pretending to be a super hero.

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I am not last in the slightest, I just wasn’t public about it

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It wasn’t the wisps who killed Archimonde. It was the Russian chipmunks.
Warcraft 3:killing Archimonde on hard difficulty (

Me and my fol friends (im the last straight person left alive)


“fol is not a gay cult mom, theyre my friends who by coincidence just all happen to be fruity!!!”

also fol:


ur as straight as a circle tootie :3


may have bought a lead cup